zaterdag, november 29, 2003
Digital isn't permanent, and it won't matter how you store it. Don't kid yourself. It's just data, not a real image. Hard disks are magnetic media, which after a few years time the magnetic particles that allow storage and access to that data decay and lose the ability to store and maintain the data. Non-magnetic storage mediums (CDRs) are only temporarily secure, plus the technology used to write and access data on CDs has and is changing rapidly so that what you store on a CDR may not even be readable by the technology available 20-30 years from now. And that's if the CD is even still existant. A 5 year old burner can't even write to or read the current crop of CDR disks. CDRs do in fact decay after only a few decades (the stamped layers literally come apart or the dye layers fade, causing data corruption, and it happens regardless of *how* you store the CDs.) Digital isn't permanent, it's just data and data is technology-device dependent.
Film doesn't have any of those issues. it's not data, it's a real, existant image. It's its own permanent storage medium. Technology isn't needed to retrieve it or view it. It will in fact outlast any digital storage medium, according to Dr. James P. Reilly at Rochester's Image Permanence Institute. If properly stored, an image on film can last literally thousands of years. Modern polyester based sheet film supports are virtually indestructable. Acetate films simply require controlled storage conditions. You don't have to constantly and redundantly "back up" the data on newer and newer technology -- which for most photographers means copying and recopying thousands of stored images every few years -- in order to ensure permanence. Even if some "data" corruption of an image on film takes place, the image is still retrievable and usable. We have photographs that are nearly 200 years old and counting, and show no signs of "rotting." With digital, any data corruption at all and the entire image is gone. Permanently.
If you want to believe the fallacy that digital is permanent, or is more permanent than film, it's your choice. But it's a lie.
Tom Philips
Film doesn't have any of those issues. it's not data, it's a real, existant image. It's its own permanent storage medium. Technology isn't needed to retrieve it or view it. It will in fact outlast any digital storage medium, according to Dr. James P. Reilly at Rochester's Image Permanence Institute. If properly stored, an image on film can last literally thousands of years. Modern polyester based sheet film supports are virtually indestructable. Acetate films simply require controlled storage conditions. You don't have to constantly and redundantly "back up" the data on newer and newer technology -- which for most photographers means copying and recopying thousands of stored images every few years -- in order to ensure permanence. Even if some "data" corruption of an image on film takes place, the image is still retrievable and usable. We have photographs that are nearly 200 years old and counting, and show no signs of "rotting." With digital, any data corruption at all and the entire image is gone. Permanently.
If you want to believe the fallacy that digital is permanent, or is more permanent than film, it's your choice. But it's a lie.
Tom Philips
vrijdag, november 28, 2003
People want to tell us what is going on in their country. They want the world to know. To do nothing will not change anything. People cannot say they did not know. The first time I saw a man killed, I was so stunned I could not even take a picture. The next time, I took a whole roll of useless film. After that, I became more determined to do a good job. War photographers owe it to the world to be the very best they can be at their trade. People are going out of their way to show you something. They are risking their lives. We owe them our best.
Even when I was injured in battle I did not give up. I was so furious, I couldn’t wait to go back. In the 35 years I have covered international wars, some things have changed. The speed of getting the photograph in the news is instant, compared to a week of sorting through prints. People are also very aware of the impact of the media and photojournalists have to be careful they are not being manipulated. People know they are being photographed now.
The impact on recording wars on the photojournalist can be devastating. Either you feel you can change things and try to make a difference, or you quit.
Patrick Chauvel
Even when I was injured in battle I did not give up. I was so furious, I couldn’t wait to go back. In the 35 years I have covered international wars, some things have changed. The speed of getting the photograph in the news is instant, compared to a week of sorting through prints. People are also very aware of the impact of the media and photojournalists have to be careful they are not being manipulated. People know they are being photographed now.
The impact on recording wars on the photojournalist can be devastating. Either you feel you can change things and try to make a difference, or you quit.
Patrick Chauvel
Update: Egyptian-born businessman Mohamed Al Fayed said he was launching 'an immediate appeal' of a French court decision to acquit three photographers who took pictures of Princess Diana and his son Dodi on the night of their fatal car crash in Paris six years ago.
Natuurfotograaf Frans Lanting opent op 8 december zijn eigen Frans Lanting Gallery in Santa Cruz (Californië).
"Ik deed al een paar keer per jaar een presentatie van mijn werk in Santa Cruz, maar dan is het beeld na 30 seconden weg. Op deze manier kunnen mensen een beter beeld krijgen van wat ik doe", aldus Lanting.
De ruimte, waarin ook Lanting's studio en kantoor zijn opgenomen, biedt veel mogelijkheden voor multimedia-presentaties. De openingstentoonstelling is getiteld ‘Wild India.’
Frans Lanting Gallery
207 McPherson St., Suite D
Santa Cruz
Toegangsprijzen variëren van tien tot zestig(!) dollar.
"Ik deed al een paar keer per jaar een presentatie van mijn werk in Santa Cruz, maar dan is het beeld na 30 seconden weg. Op deze manier kunnen mensen een beter beeld krijgen van wat ik doe", aldus Lanting.
De ruimte, waarin ook Lanting's studio en kantoor zijn opgenomen, biedt veel mogelijkheden voor multimedia-presentaties. De openingstentoonstelling is getiteld ‘Wild India.’
Frans Lanting Gallery
207 McPherson St., Suite D
Santa Cruz
Toegangsprijzen variëren van tien tot zestig(!) dollar.
Drie persfotografen die foto's maakten ter plaatse van het dodelijk ongeval van prinses Diana en Dodi Al Fayed, zijn door een Franse rechtbank vrijgesproken van het schenden van de privacy van het paar.
Three photographers who took pictures of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed at the site of their deadly crash were acquitted Friday of invading the couple's privacy.
The three men, whose photos were confiscated and not published, were among the swarm of photographers who pursued the car carrying Diana and her boyfriend across Paris on Aug. 31, 1997, and took photos after it slammed into the pillar of a traffic tunnel.
Jacques Langevin, with Sygma/Corbis at the time, Christian Martinez of the Angeli agency, and free-lancer Fabrice Chassery had faced a maximum of one year in prison and fines of $53,000. The prosecutor had asked for suspended prison sentences.
The photographers had argued in court that they did not invade the famous couple's privacy, although Chassery and Langevin acknowledged that they took photos at the crash site. Photographers took pictures through an open door of the crumpled car.
The trial hinged on a French law that says the interior of a car is a private space. The photographers were tried only for pictures of Dodi Fayed. The photos in question showed him either as he left his hotel in a car with Diana or after the crash.
The trial stemmed from a criminal complaint for invasion of privacy filed by Dodi Al Fayed's father, Egyptian-born billionaire Mohammed Al Fayed. Diana's relatives and the British royal family were not plaintiffs in the case.
A five-year investigation into the crash concluded that chauffeur Henri Paul, who was killed in the crash, had been drinking and was speeding. In 2002, France's highest court dropped manslaughter charges against nine photographers — including the three acquitted Friday.
Bron: Associated Press.
foto John Schultz
French photojournalist Jacques Langevin speaks to the media outside the courtroom in Paris.
Three photographers who took pictures of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed at the site of their deadly crash were acquitted Friday of invading the couple's privacy.
The three men, whose photos were confiscated and not published, were among the swarm of photographers who pursued the car carrying Diana and her boyfriend across Paris on Aug. 31, 1997, and took photos after it slammed into the pillar of a traffic tunnel.
Jacques Langevin, with Sygma/Corbis at the time, Christian Martinez of the Angeli agency, and free-lancer Fabrice Chassery had faced a maximum of one year in prison and fines of $53,000. The prosecutor had asked for suspended prison sentences.
The photographers had argued in court that they did not invade the famous couple's privacy, although Chassery and Langevin acknowledged that they took photos at the crash site. Photographers took pictures through an open door of the crumpled car.
The trial hinged on a French law that says the interior of a car is a private space. The photographers were tried only for pictures of Dodi Fayed. The photos in question showed him either as he left his hotel in a car with Diana or after the crash.
The trial stemmed from a criminal complaint for invasion of privacy filed by Dodi Al Fayed's father, Egyptian-born billionaire Mohammed Al Fayed. Diana's relatives and the British royal family were not plaintiffs in the case.
A five-year investigation into the crash concluded that chauffeur Henri Paul, who was killed in the crash, had been drinking and was speeding. In 2002, France's highest court dropped manslaughter charges against nine photographers — including the three acquitted Friday.
Bron: Associated Press.

foto John Schultz
French photojournalist Jacques Langevin speaks to the media outside the courtroom in Paris.
Het toonaangevende Nederlandse foto-agentschap Hollandse Hoogte is bezig haar website ingrijpend te vernieuwen. Zo is de zoekfaciliteit al aangepakt. Deze is nu een stuk toegankelijker en duidelijker dan de wat gebrekkige voorganger.
Ook zal Hollandse Hoogte voortaan Magnum Photos in Nederland vertegenwoordigen, dat voorheen bij het opgeheven ABC Press was ondergebracht.
Ook zal Hollandse Hoogte voortaan Magnum Photos in Nederland vertegenwoordigen, dat voorheen bij het opgeheven ABC Press was ondergebracht.
A verdict is due in the trial of three French paparazzi accused of breaching the country's strict privacy rules by photographing Princess Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed on the night of their fatal car-crash six years ago.
In last month's trial the state prosecutor asked the judge to hand down unspecified suspended prison terms on Jacques Langevin, Christian Martinez and Fabrice Chassery. The maximum penalty they face is a year in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros (53,600 dollars).
The three were among the eight paparazzi and one dispatch rider who followed Diana and Dodi on the night of August 31 1997, when the pair were killed in a crash in a Paris underpass along with their limousine driver Henri Paul.
Bron: AFP.
In last month's trial the state prosecutor asked the judge to hand down unspecified suspended prison terms on Jacques Langevin, Christian Martinez and Fabrice Chassery. The maximum penalty they face is a year in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros (53,600 dollars).
The three were among the eight paparazzi and one dispatch rider who followed Diana and Dodi on the night of August 31 1997, when the pair were killed in a crash in a Paris underpass along with their limousine driver Henri Paul.
Bron: AFP.
donderdag, november 27, 2003
Het is zo erg met de kindersterfte in Nederland, elke keer als er een kinderwagen voorbij komt kijk ik erin of de baby nog leeft.
Jan Wolkers
Jan Wolkers

foto Manish Swarup
A makeup artist readies up an Indian Hindu at her beauty saloon in New Delhi, India, Thursday, Nov. 27, 2003. Beauty saloons, marriage venues and entertainers are seeing full bookings as Delhi is expected to witness 14,000 marriages Thursday, according to newspaper reports.
Een paar tv-tips:
Zondagavond om 18.22 in Hollands Zicht (Ned.1) Wendelien Daan.
Maandagmiddag om 15.27 (ook op Ned.1) een portret van Marnix Goossens, geproduceerd door Omrop Fryslân.
Zondagavond om 18.22 in Hollands Zicht (Ned.1) Wendelien Daan.
Maandagmiddag om 15.27 (ook op Ned.1) een portret van Marnix Goossens, geproduceerd door Omrop Fryslân.
Lang geleden bracht Rollei van zijn befaamde serie twee-oog spiegelreflexcamera's een model uit met vaste groothoeklens. Deze Rollei Wide is nog steeds zeer gewild, maar helaas werden er maar 4000 van gemaakt. (Onder de trotse eigenaren is Gerard Wessel, bekend van Wessel's straatleven en Werk van Wessel.) Wie er toch een wilde aanschaffen moest een kapitaal neerleggen, want niemand wilde zijn juweel kwijt.
Gelukkig is er nu een nieuw vergelijkbaar model van Rollei, de Rolleiflex 4,0 FW. Nog steeds niet goedkoop, maar wel gewoon te bestellen.
Gelukkig is er nu een nieuw vergelijkbaar model van Rollei, de Rolleiflex 4,0 FW. Nog steeds niet goedkoop, maar wel gewoon te bestellen.

woensdag, november 26, 2003
Reuters has issued a new freelance contract that consolidates its power over photographers, a move company officials say was necessary to keep the business viable.
Although it remains one of the few contracts that allows photographers to license their outtakes to third parties, some photographers say the new contract severely curtails their ability to generate revenue beyond the initial assignment.
The new contract, which replaces one written nearly a decade ago, attempts to address a number of changes that have transformed the industry in the last decade. The contract also reflects Reuters' transition from a wire service providing photos to daily newspapers to a global agency selling to newspapers, magazines, textbooks and commercial clients.
Lees verder in Photo District Newswire.
Although it remains one of the few contracts that allows photographers to license their outtakes to third parties, some photographers say the new contract severely curtails their ability to generate revenue beyond the initial assignment.
The new contract, which replaces one written nearly a decade ago, attempts to address a number of changes that have transformed the industry in the last decade. The contract also reflects Reuters' transition from a wire service providing photos to daily newspapers to a global agency selling to newspapers, magazines, textbooks and commercial clients.
Lees verder in Photo District Newswire.
The friendly skies just got a little friendlier for photographers traveling through America's airports. Photographers can now bring on board an additional item of carry-on luggage, provided it contains photographic equipment.
After months of friendly negotiations, the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) has successfully convinced the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to allow for the exemption.
The TSA Web site states: "this policy was expanded primarily to accommodate working photographers traveling with sensitive, valuable equipment. Working photographers, and other members of the traveling public, are encourage to carry photographic equipment and film as carry-on luggage."
The new regulations allow travelers to bring one bag of photographic equipment in addition to one carry-on and one personal item through airport screening checkpoints. The additional bag must conform to each air carrier's carry-on restrictions regarding size and weight.
"This accommodation will make it easier to travel for working photographers with sensitive and valuable equipment," says Eugene Mopsik, ASMP's executive director. "Be advised that some document checkers may not be aware of the change in policy and this will require your speaking to the airline's customer service personnel. ... There will still be occasions when there simply is no space available on board for additional carry-on and this will require checking a bag."
Bron: PDN
After months of friendly negotiations, the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) has successfully convinced the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to allow for the exemption.
The TSA Web site states: "this policy was expanded primarily to accommodate working photographers traveling with sensitive, valuable equipment. Working photographers, and other members of the traveling public, are encourage to carry photographic equipment and film as carry-on luggage."
The new regulations allow travelers to bring one bag of photographic equipment in addition to one carry-on and one personal item through airport screening checkpoints. The additional bag must conform to each air carrier's carry-on restrictions regarding size and weight.
"This accommodation will make it easier to travel for working photographers with sensitive and valuable equipment," says Eugene Mopsik, ASMP's executive director. "Be advised that some document checkers may not be aware of the change in policy and this will require your speaking to the airline's customer service personnel. ... There will still be occasions when there simply is no space available on board for additional carry-on and this will require checking a bag."
Bron: PDN

The cameras used by photographer Bill Biggart before he was killed when the North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed in the 11 September 2001 terrorist attack are now in a travelling exhibition.

De Franse president Jacques Chirac heeft consternatie veroorzaakt in Groot-Brittannië door de pers een foto te laten zien van Leo Blair, het 3-jarige zoontje van Tony Blair. Chirac was maandag op bezoek bij de Britse premier en had de foto gekregen als persoonlijk cadeautje. Blairs medewerkers belden na Chiracs actie fotoredacties van kranten met het verzoek de foto niet te publiceren. De Blairs beschermen hun kinderen tegen persaandacht. Tot nu toe zijn er slechts enkele (geregisseerde) foto's van Leo verschenen.
Bron: Het Belang van Limburg.
foto Lee Besford
Bron: Het Belang van Limburg.

foto Lee Besford
In Goedemorgen Nederland praat Daphne Bunskoek met fotograaf Stefan Schipper over zijn overzichtsboek Alive.
KRO, Ned1, om 7.35 en 8.35.
KRO, Ned1, om 7.35 en 8.35.
De vervalste accu's die de afgelopen tijd mobiele telefoons deden ontploffen, blijken ook een probleem te vormen voor digitale camera's. Ook daarvoor zijn inmiddels nauwelijks van echt te onderscheiden Li-ion accu's te koop, die niet beveiligd zijn en eventueel kunnen ontploffen. Nikon heeft als eerste fabrikant van digitale camera's inmiddels een waarschuwing laten uitgaan tegen het gebruik van deze imitatie-accu's.
NIKON WARNING Imitation Rechargeable Batteries for Nikon Digital Cameras
Nikon rechargeable camera batteries are high-energy devices that are designed to respond to heavy power demand and are manufactured to strict standards of safety and reliability. Unfortunately it has come to Nikon’s attention that imitations of Nikon Li-Ion batteries for Nikon digital cameras are distributed in some countries. These products are branded as Nikon products but are not genuine Nikon products and therefore are counterfeit. Some of the imitation batteries are not equipped with a safety feature required for rechargeable batteries.
NIKON WARNING Imitation Rechargeable Batteries for Nikon Digital Cameras
Nikon rechargeable camera batteries are high-energy devices that are designed to respond to heavy power demand and are manufactured to strict standards of safety and reliability. Unfortunately it has come to Nikon’s attention that imitations of Nikon Li-Ion batteries for Nikon digital cameras are distributed in some countries. These products are branded as Nikon products but are not genuine Nikon products and therefore are counterfeit. Some of the imitation batteries are not equipped with a safety feature required for rechargeable batteries.
A Los Angeles photographer was barred Tuesday from selling topless photos of actress Cameron Diaz that were taken before she became famous. John Rutter was issued with a permanent court injunction that also prevents him from publicizing the photos in any way or keeping them in his possession.
Rutter has been charged with attempted extortion for allegedly demanding $3.3 million from the "Charlie's Angels" star for the pictures which were taken in 1992. He is also charged with forging Diaz's signature on the model release.
Prosecutors say that Rutter this summer threatened to sell the photos to a group in Europe, saying they would be posted on billboards and buses in Japan to coincide with the release of the movie "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle."
Diaz has been fighting through the courts for months to prevent the photos being published.
Bron: Reuters.
Rutter has been charged with attempted extortion for allegedly demanding $3.3 million from the "Charlie's Angels" star for the pictures which were taken in 1992. He is also charged with forging Diaz's signature on the model release.
Prosecutors say that Rutter this summer threatened to sell the photos to a group in Europe, saying they would be posted on billboards and buses in Japan to coincide with the release of the movie "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle."
Diaz has been fighting through the courts for months to prevent the photos being published.
Bron: Reuters.
dinsdag, november 25, 2003
Zomaar een maandagmorgen op het Koningsplein:
Enkele persfotografen bekijken een kantoorpand met kogelgaten boven Albert Heijn. Twee van hen schreeuwen scherpe woorden naar elkaar.
,,Verborgen nicht'', scheldt een fotograaf met een rode sjaal om zijn hals naar een oudere collega in een leren jack.
,,Lul'', zegt de ander.
,,Jij hebt mooi verloren bij justitie. Viezerik. En dan maar roepen: ik ben de beste.''
,,Jij maakt nooit iets'', zegt de fotograaf in het leren jack. Hij probeert kalm te blijven, maar als hij een filtersigaret opsteekt trillen zijn handen.
,,Jij doet me denken aan dat typetje van Koot en Bie, de vieze man'', sart de fotograaf met de rode sjaal.
(De citaten komen uit NRC Handelsblad)
Update: Het zou gaan om fotograaf Paul van Weel (rode sjaal) en filmer (dus niet fotograaf) Frank Buis.
Enkele persfotografen bekijken een kantoorpand met kogelgaten boven Albert Heijn. Twee van hen schreeuwen scherpe woorden naar elkaar.
,,Verborgen nicht'', scheldt een fotograaf met een rode sjaal om zijn hals naar een oudere collega in een leren jack.
,,Lul'', zegt de ander.
,,Jij hebt mooi verloren bij justitie. Viezerik. En dan maar roepen: ik ben de beste.''
,,Jij maakt nooit iets'', zegt de fotograaf in het leren jack. Hij probeert kalm te blijven, maar als hij een filtersigaret opsteekt trillen zijn handen.
,,Jij doet me denken aan dat typetje van Koot en Bie, de vieze man'', sart de fotograaf met de rode sjaal.
(De citaten komen uit NRC Handelsblad)
Update: Het zou gaan om fotograaf Paul van Weel (rode sjaal) en filmer (dus niet fotograaf) Frank Buis.
Aanstaande bruidegom en paparazzo Edwin Smulders over zijn trouwfoto's:
"Ik zoek nog iemand waar ik goed mee kan opschieten. En hij moet ook goed kunnen scherpstellen. Dus: Jammer Joop!"
"Ik zoek nog iemand waar ik goed mee kan opschieten. En hij moet ook goed kunnen scherpstellen. Dus: Jammer Joop!"
maandag, november 24, 2003

foto Jewel Samad
No tell, no see : Pakistani photojournalists wear black cloth over their eyes as they demand greater freedom of work outside the Parliament House in Islamabad.
Het dagblad BN/De Stem wijdde een uitgebreid artikel aan fotograaf Bob van Dam en zijn expositie in het Nederlands fotomuseum.
zondag, november 23, 2003

Ex-NOS-bestuursvoorzitter Gerrit-Jan Wolffensperger wordt voorzitter van de Fotografenfederatie (BFN, GKf, PANL, SVFN), wiens positie onder druk staat na het vertrek van de NVF (fotojournalisten) uit de federatie en uit het auteursrechtenbureau Burafo. De NVF koos voor een nauwere band met de NVJ en de daaraan gelieerde stichting Nieuwswaarde die de auteursrechten van journalisten behartigt. Wolffensperger is ook bestuursvoorzitter van World Press Photo en was dat eveneens bij het Nederlands Foto Instituut, tot het Nederlands fotomuseum gevormd werd.
Bron: Persbericht via Villamedia.
Bron: Persbericht via Villamedia.